Call Routing :: Cadebill

Call Routing

In interconnecting with other carriers, calls must be routed to vendors with low rates, highest profit, good quality or any combination of these. Cadebill Routing provides an optimized call routing solution with several methods - Least Cost Routing, Digit Level Routing, Quality Based Routing, Profitability Based Routing, No Loss Routing, Capacity Based Routing, Multiple Switch Routing, North American LNP Aware Routing and any combination of these methods.

Cadebill has sound routing algorithms to balance cost, quality, revenue and profitability. The routing results are automatically uploaded to the appropriate switch using switch specific interfaces.

Cadebill Digit Level Routing provides the deepest mining of the digits. Routing for a country may be specified at any depth. The deeper routing provides the highest profitability for every call.

Cadebill also provides a static routing – where pre-defined digits are statically grouped. Cadebill provides best available routing for the static defined routes.

Cadebill Quality Based Routing uses the measured qualities of carriers for a destination and route to the highest aggregated quality of the carrier. Cadebill continuously calculates the quality of routes for each carrier from the CDRs and other sources.

Cadebill Profitability Based Routing ensures that only profitable carriers are placed in routing. Profit/Loss for a route is computed using the live selling prices and latest carrier costs.

Cadebill Capacity based Routing ensures the available carrier capacity is used in an optimal manner. Most profitable routes are given preference while using the available capacity of a carrier.

North American termination costs vary based on the terminating numbers. Termination costs vary widely based on whether the termination company is a RBOC or ICO or CLEC. Cadebill provides least cost routing based on the terminating company.

North American LNP aware routing uses the number portability database and routes to the appropriate LRN, using the best available carrier for the LRN/OCN.

Cadebill routing engine is switch independent and performs a logical routing on the entire network. Each switch will perform its own independent routing based on the number of parameters – QoS metrics, profitability, inclusion, exclusion, override and other definable parameters. Each switch routing method can be setup with Cadebill routing templates.

In a network with multiple switches located at multiple global locations, Cadebill call routing engine can perform routing in several ways - Single switch routing, Multi-Switch routing and Single logical switch routing.

Single Switch Routing

A single switch or a partition is uploaded automatically with Cadebill Routing engine calculations.

Callrouting Singleswitch

Multi Switch Routing:

In a network there may be multiple switches routing calls with multiple protocols. Cadebill routing engine performs routing calculation for each switch as defined in routing templates, and propagated to every switch.

Callrouting Multiswitch

Single Virtual Switch routing

In a network with multiple switches located at multiple locations globally, the best routing is accomplished by routing the call to the top carrier in any switch in the global network. Cadebill provides a logical routing, in which all the switches are looked upon as a single virtual switch.

Callrouting Singlevirtualswitch

Each switch will perform its own independent routing based on the number of parameters – QoS metrics, profitability, inclusion, exclusion, override and other definable parameters. Each switch routing method can be setup with Cadebill routing templates.